Employee Intranet

Holiday Request

Place a holiday request using the form below.

We will review the request and once approved it will be added to the calendar and deducted from your remaining holiday time.

Holiday Request Form


Please do make suggestions, you know the company and products better than anyone.

We review suggestions every month and will actively communicate what we do and don't decide to go ahead with at our monthly all hands meeting.

Suggestions Form

Company Policies

What Good Looks Like

Our values in operations, sales, and marketing are reflections of our values and culture as a company.

Every employee is assessed on these criteria.

Full Policy

Employee Handbook

Find detailed terms of your employment with us here in the employee handbook.

Full Policy

Welcome Pack

An abbreviated version of "What Good Looks Like" and the Employee Handbook can be found here.

Please note that this does not constitute the full terms of your employment.

In Brief

H&S Policy

Our overall H&S statement. You are expected to have a detailed knowledge of the H&S requirements for each department, process, and machine.

If you are unsure about anything please do not hesitate to talk to the Health and Safety Officer.

Full Policy

ISO9001 Quality Policy

Detailed policy for our ISO9001 compliant Quality Policy.

Full Policy


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